Friday, June 17, 2005

Email from my 'soul'mate

From my 'soul'mate a.k.a Husna Hamida, not make any different to what i feel, but at least make me feel better... Thx Sis'... Loph yu.... Mmmuuuaaaaah.........
When we meet the right person to love,
when we're at the right place at the right time,
that's chance.

When you meet someone you're attracted to,
that's not a choice. That's chance.

Being caught up in a moment (and there are a lot
of couples who get together because of this) is
not a choice. That's also a chance.

The difference is what happens afterwards.
When will you take that infatuation, that crush,
that mind-blowing attraction to the next level?
That's when all sanity goes back, you sit down
and contemplate whether you want to make this into a
concrete relationship or just a fling.

If you decide to love a person, even with his
faults, that's not a chance. That's choice.

When you choose to be with a person, no matter
what, that's choice.

Even if you know there are many people out there
who are more attractive, smarter, and richer than
your mate, and yet, you decide to love your mate
just the same, that's choice.

Infatuation, crushes, and attraction come to us by
chance. But true love that lasts is truly a choice.
A choice that we make.

Regarding soulmates, there's a beautiful movie
quote that I believe is so true about this:
"Fate brings you together, but it's still up to you to
make it happen."

I believe that soulmates do exist, that there is truly
someone made for you. But it's still up to you to
make the choice if you're going to do something
about it or not.

We may meet our soulmates by chance, but loving
and staying with our soulmate is still a choice we
have to make.

We came to the world not by finding someone
perfect to love, BUT to learn how to love an
imperfect person perfectly.

So..for all dillemas that you'r going through right
now, everything is a matter of a choice that u have
to make!!So...mgk ini klise jar tp mnrt gw skrg
selain sholat istikhoroh..tanya lg ke kata hati lo yg
trdalam..'n remember that love isn't everything!!!
Sometime life doesn't run as we want! Mgk yg mnrt
lo gak baik tp klo Allah pny rnc lain buat lo yg
pastinya terbaik&lbh baik buat lo!Jadi jgn tutup
mata &kesempatan hny karena CINTA!! yg lo jg
blom psti dtgnya dr mana?!! (dr Ilahi kah ato hny
bisikan2 syaitan semata..hehe) Eventhough you'r
not in love w/ s'one but if it' the best one for u, it will
come to u!!Don't b affraid to try!Just go for it girl!
Nothing to lose isn't it??!! I'll make a pray for the
best for okeh!!

"Just an ordinary mind from an ordinary person with an ordinary life"